It's About Time was published in Grand Dame Literary Journal on 02-22-22.
I am excited to share a piece I wrote in my MFA workshop at Columbia College Chicago last semester. I want to thank my fellow MFA candidates for their feedback and encouragement. And of course, writer, teacher, extraordinaire Mr. Joseph Meno.
It’s About Time
“Be prepared,” the hospice nurse warned when she arrived at the nursing home to remove mom’s oxygen. “Once we take her off, she can go within the hour.” That was 48 hours ago.
For the complete story, please visit Grand Dame Literary Journal.
The Grande Dame Literary Journal is a blog-style journal for women writers of a certain age (we won’t ask) who write short stories, short memoir, and/or are interested in promoting self-published books with an excerpt and a purchasing link. We want to promote the writing of women who embrace life and sprinkle experiential wisdom throughout their stories, memoirs, and books. Write stories that pull on heartstrings, add a dash of humor and a dollop of food, and it will linger on our palate.
I mean to leave you a longer message and then don't. I still will, someday. I identified with a lot of things in here.
Thank you for sharing this intimate story. I was moved to tears. Love you!